Thursday 13 December 2012

Ipad Experimentation

This was a medium shot of our model to do this we had to first turn the lights on and position the camera properly.Then pick up the iPad a swirl it side to side behind the model.

This picture closely resembles Patrick Rochons work except the model isn't visible but the spirals of colour behind them look like a rainbow of colour, this was done exactly the same way as the 1st picture but the swirls are easier to notice.
This image was done by waving the iPad in front of the model as well as behind.

In this image you can slightly see the picture that was on the iPad this was due to a group member moving the iPad slowly.Also we held the iPad underneath this models chin this is why you can see them lit up more than the others.

These images Were all done in the dark using a iPad picture as shown below. We used 3 people for this task 1 person held the camera 1 person swirled the iPad around and 1 person was our model.The first 3 prints are my favourite because the model in the centre is like a silhouette and the swirls around them highlight this it really links into the work of patrick Rochon.

This is the image we used to create these swirls

Solarisation of Portrait images on photoshop

The contrast of black to white is really dominate in this piece the solarisation darkens the area in which the light was shone from producing this plastic metal model.
This is the original to the solarisation as you can see the light is hitting from below which is what the solarisation darkens.

In this piece the model posing really does look slightly metal like she's been painted with silver paint.

These are my solarisation pictures done using adobe photo shop. To do this i followed a tutorial, it was done by creating circles and changing the colour of the original to black and white. Personally i prefer the first set of prints to the second set as the first one looks quite creepy like she's holding a torch over her chin in the darkness of the night, its a really good effect.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Light painting editing and Portrait Editing

I did Both these edits using photoshop aswell as playing around with the NEF settings. On this picture below i got rid of the hump at the side of the model with the clone stamp tool and then added more light in the background using the same tool.

For the picture below i played around with the NEF settings and increased the clarity, I then made a new layer and outlined the model using the pen tool and made this outline of them completely black then changed the opacity of it to create a shadow for them.



I took both of these photos using a digital SLR camera in the first picture we used an iPad to create the light shown and in the second one we used a flexible table lamp to position the light where we desired in this particular shot i positioned the light so it was shining onto the left side of the model.

Monday 10 December 2012

Light Painting on Photoshop

These are some of my best portraits scanned in and edited on photo shop using the ''Adobe Photo shop light painting tutorial'' I used the colour green for the first print because i thought it would be really contrasty with the black. Overall i prefer the second image because it gives it a mystical look which is really effective.