Thursday 21 March 2013

Juergen Teller Woo!

Juergen Teller born in 1964 in ErlangenGermany is an artist and fashion photographer.The exhibition was held in the ICA gallery. The exhibition was a journey through his landmark fashion and commercial photography from the 90s he had images of celebrities such as Lily Cole, Kurt Cobain and Vivienne Westwood, as well as some landscapes and family portraits.
Overall i didn't fully enjoy his work I personally thought most of his pictures excluding the nudes were quite simple it didn't really seem like a great amount of time and effort was spent on producing them. Also a few of his pieces appeared slightly pixualated and it was clear that this wasn't part of the overall look, I don't think he was really a photographer that went out and planned shots excluding the nudes most of his pictures were quite candid. 

The photograph is called motor head ed  i think this links into the t-shirt the baby is wearing. the baby is the pieces subject matter he looks slightly frightened in his face and only clothed in a blue babygro with the words motor bean written on them. The meaning of the piece is open to interuptation i cant really see a specific meaning to it it could he conveying fear or maybe innocence. The picture could convey a life issue such as the artists social life which would be his family. The photography is completely realistic it seems to be quite candid as well as I'm sure he didn't  ask this baby to pose for him.The photograph links to the theme covert and obscurced because this is a side of a photographers life we hardly see its the personal side of his Life.the photograph has taken up all of the frame of the picture the frame is quite narrow as the artist probably wanted to make the main focus the image, the image is in colour but I appears slightly blurry like he was using a bad quality camera maybe just a mobile phone, I think the photographer has used a focus technique because you can really see the inside of the babies eyes maybe the slightly blurred picture was intentional for this feature
the characters facial expressions capture the mood of the baby it's not clear weather he is upset scared or about to cry but it's certainly not a cheerful mood.
When I first saw this photo it appealed to me straight away because it was placed in this room with pictures containing nudity and randomness and the baby picture just kinda screamed out normality. There are quote calm colours used in this piece such as yellow and white in some respect they could be seen as baby colours pure and innocent. 

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