Thursday 6 June 2013

Jan Von Holleben Planning

Inspired by Jan Von Holleben we have been asked to create a scenery photo shoot alike his.
For our teams photo shoot we are going with two main ideas one of which is a superhero shoot similar to this below except there will be 3 of us in the shoot.

To create this our group members will need capes of some sort or material that could be tied around them like capes.

Our second idea is also similar to the work of Sam Taylor Wood where we will be doing elevation with balloons.

Except alike Jan Von Hollebens work it will be set on the ground so it would look more like this.

 To make this as a group we are going to need balloons some strings and ourselves, To shoot it we will need a extra person to take a Aerial shot from above.Then to set the scene we will simply blow up the balloons add the string to the bottoms add a person on the bottom and then take the shot.

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