Thursday 12 December 2013

Digital Experimentation Theme:Loneliness/Distortion 1

These are some of my Digital Pictures from my Loneliness/Distortion photoshoot. As this picture was originally just a portrait i wanted to use photoshop to distort it in some way and to do this i used the liquidify tool as well as changing the contrast of my image to look more black and white instead of greyscale.

This image is a example of a effect i did with the camera i told my model to shake his head really quite fast and i captured this with a slow shutter speed for 5seconds.I then imported this into photoshop and again made it more contrasty.

In this image I've manipulated it by colorising it black and white as well as burning the photograph using the burn tool to make the whole image convey a gloomy look this way it links into the theme of loneliness and isolation from others. With this composition I've tried to make it look as if the model is playing the guitar for comfort like the guitar is basically his friend, his companion.

This Manipulation is off a tutorial i followed to produce a gritty effect to my images. The enhancement on this image is my favourite out of all the ones I've done i think this is something i will  experiment with more on perhaps more posed images, images that convey the emotion of fear or sadness to link into the theme of emotion.

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