Sunday 7 October 2012

Roni Horn Analysis

This is a piece designed for 'Flash Magazine',Created by Roni Horn.Roni Horn is an American visual artist and writer.Roni has been know to explore the nature of art through sculptures, works on paper, photography, and books. She describes drawing as the key activity in all her work because drawing is about composing relationships.
This piece named Cabinet by was created she says for the audience to get quite a reaction from it, when I first analysed this image the words creepy,unusual, scary and disturbing came to mind. Although roni said she wanted the audience to put themselves in this frame the clown like image she said was a metaphor for mirror, the piece was in fact a self portrait she wanted the viewer to put themselves in this role. She says in an interview about the piece that the clown isn't what interested her into making this piece 'Basically, the clown thing isn’t what interested me originally. Not historically but more in the idea of appearance.' She then goes into detail about how she interpreted the clown 'The clown is not about actuality. It’s the opposite, it’s of appearance; it’s a symbol. And the cloud, all it is is appearance; it’s moisture and air.'
Although Roni didn't mean the image literally alot of people would look at this picture and instantly become scared.In the film industry clowns are portrayed as scary monster type things films such as batman and IT goes long with this theory.Also it is known that alot of people are terrified of clowns and maybe that's why roni could have used it.The contrasting colours red and white work well almost the whole piece is white and this brings the red out even more.The red in this piece is used in the normal places n which you would expect to see it on a clown however because of the movement it makes it look like it is smeared blood.
I believe the deeper meaning of this piece taking aboard Roni horns actual meaning is that everybody has a wild side roni said she wanted the audience to put themselves into this role and normal clowns tend to be energetic and lively when they perform to children.  
This photograph was taken using a fast shutter speed to capture the movement, It was taken as several portraits and then combined as one to form a series of different portraits with different emotions.To make this piece took a lot of skill i would say because to be able to capture a moving image in the position she wants takes alot of hard work

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