Wednesday 17 October 2012

Inspirational Photographers

Sharon Elphick

This is a piece of photography taken by Sharon Elpick. 
For one of my final pieces i wanted to do a photo shoot with signs as the theme these will be signs we see everyday linking into the theme. I will take both coloured and black and white prints to make my mounted sheet stand out. Sharon in this piece has particularly taken photographs of road signs she has maybe used a digital camera to do this as they seem quite plain.Although i described it as 'plain' i do like the way she has mounted the pictures together using a great amount of arrows to create movement in this piece.One thing that this piece has that the others don't is colour and Sharon has used a variety of this in this piece, This is one thing i definitely want to add to my final outcome to give it a bit of  oomph. 

Richard Renaldi

This portrait photograph was taken by Richard Renaldi, I have chosen him as my second artist for inspiration because my second idea will be emotions and in Richards photographs i think he really captures this.To make this photograph Richard has used a large aperture with a small number setting to make the background blurred and the image in front clear this gives a good effect because it makes the artist focus on the person in the image who is shown quite dominate over the whole piece.The emotion on this subjects face helps us with the meaning of this photograph i would say the emotion in this piece is anger, Maybe he is angry with himself this could also link into why the background is blurred because he knows he has done wrong and wants to analysis his problems by blanking out the surrounding world.

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