Thursday 23 May 2013

Documentary Photography: Lin Osborn analysis

 Lin Osborn first began her career in photography after graduating from the surrey institute of art in 2001. She uses a series of small photographs with paying attention to detail,to create her artworks. The focal point of her images is everyday life or the natural world. She repeats her series of images to change the original context of the images making the images together have power. As well as photo montages Lin uses a range of mediums such as light blocks and mixed media.

On first viewing this image and after doing some research on it i discovered that this image actually costs 900.00 pounds, to some people this effects what they see off the image, for example if i were to view this piece in a gallery with the price underneath i would suddenly start thinking if the piece is actually worth this price which in my opinion its not.

In these images are household food items such as chocolate and fruit and from what i can see they are all in there original colour which is without adding photo filters. The colours she has used follow the pattern of the rainbow and i think they each conotate something.

For example in the first row she has used reds and then placed subjects such as fruit, chocolate and a post box these items are all very standard there nothing here that suggests hatred or anger so with this first line i would said she is portraying the love she has for these objects.

The second row orange, contains subject matter such as fruit, flowers and chocolate again the colour orange connotes happiness and i get this from the choice of objects as they all are quite cheerful material to work with.

Next we have yellow which is know to connotate a mellow, cheerful, tangy feeling and the subject matter used in this is sun cream and footballs and butter.In this row there are actually two items relating to football and i think this is used to convey the excited feeling you get when watching football in a crowd or actually playing football. And so forth all of the colours seem to relate to the subject matter and moods it conveys.

To make this Lin Osborn could have taken all these pictures digitally and then using photo shop and some photo filters within it laid all the images out on a grid in colour order.

 I think the fact that the colours are of those of a rainbow relate to audiences more they can begin to understand the composition better because of the familiarity of the overall subject matter, it also brings a cheerful mood to the piece because bright  colours were used there were no blacks or greys.This piece has inspired my compositional layout when presenting a final piece.

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