Tuesday 28 May 2013

Julie Cockburn Responses

These are some of my digital and handmade Julie Cockburn responses.

This one was made digitally using photoshop and following a photoshop tutorial to do this i chose a slash shape and used it as my clipping tool to make this distorted effect on this picture.This image is originally a image of Marilyn Monroe a famous actress. I think the fact that the picture is black and white makes it more interesting as well.

This is another digital response i made with the same model Marilyn Monroe to do this one i was more confident so i straight away i used the triangular shape tool and began designing my picture. The difference in this one is that this one is in colour so the distortion is more visible.

Here are some handmade responses i made in this one below i used curly string to go over the locks of curls in her hair i think this idea is pretty effective as it gives the hair a 3d look I've also cut out and placed tissue paper on her lips to reiterate the red lipstick trend they had in those days.

In this image i've tried to add depth and levels to this composition i did this by printing out about 6 copies of this image and cutting out a triangular pattern in the face i then did the same to the rest of the copies and layered them on top of each other producing a clever 3d effect in the face.

In this image i started simple and just used string to go over her clothing,this is effective as it adds texture to her dress, i have also stuck pinkish tissue paper on her lips to reiterate the red lipstick trend again in this image even though it was in black and white the colour red really contrasts with it.

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