Monday 30 September 2013

Amy Friend Analysis

Amy Friend is a photographer that alters vintage images by piercing small holes in them allowing light to pass through. On her website she exclaimed " I aimed to give the photographs back the light, as photographs are only made possible with light" She named this series of dotted light photos  Dare alla Luce, a phrase used to describe this idea.

I like the way shes pinned around the figures to kind of bring them out from the dull dark background .You can tell this image is vintage because of the kind of brownish stain it has which actually works with this experimentation well. Although her pinning is a nice idea with a good explaination for it. Some might say shes ruined this picture because by pinning this picture she has obscured the identity of the figures we are no longer able to make out who these people are.

This is another one from the collection but i like this one better the way she has chosen to pin holes in the ladies jumper ois effective because she already has polka dots in her jumper so this effect helps them stand out more.
Also this picture differs from the previous as it is shot in daylight and although the dots are more effective in dark light somehow it works in this print. Her placeage of the dots also kind of hints magic or friendship between the horse and the ladies almost like those disney movies when two characters connect and there is sparks, these dots kind of relate to this.

I would imagine that the method for this is quite straightforward,  She would need to first get hold of some old photographs or print or phphotocopy them from a old photoalbum or something, then pierce a couple holes in them where she wants and place the photograph ona light box and take a picture of the final result Alternatively she could use a torch.

Overall, I do like these series of images i think the fact that shes used  vintage photographs helps this piece look more effective as the light holes realate more to old fashioned photos, even though like she stated light is responsable for producing all photographs i think it makes more sense cooperating it into these vintage prints.

However if i was to cooperate this into my own work i would choose a dark photograph instead of a light one as i think the dots will show up better and also kind of look like small stars.

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