Monday 30 September 2013

Florian Imgrund Analysis

Florian Imgrund is a Photographer that specialises in making creative double exposure prints. He was fascinated by the ‘unique charm’ of early photography and when he got his first analog camera in summer 2010 he began experimenting and taking pictures ever since.
He currently works as an assistant professor in Germany but he is still passionate about his hobby, pursuing it as he writes his doctoral thesis's.

This is one of Florian's Pictures which i admire the most Its a double exposure print and for this one he has clearly used a girl facing the side and to overlap her hes used what looks like a field of flowers. I really like this combination he has chosen its really effective to combine portraiture with still life as they are both so different so contrast each other nicely.

The fact the girl is faced to the side really works for this piece as well  because its like shes scaring out into the distant, daydreaming of some sort, which kind of relates to a Field of daisies, maybe shes sitting on the daisies daydreaming about her aspirations and Florian has combined the both to give a sense of location in his photography.

The black and white from using the analog camera also adds to the effectiveness because of the contrast of the black and white flowers in the background and the figure with all her personal qualities such as her hair strands and other facial features, I don't think this print would have worked as well in colour because there would be too much happening because I would think the flowers colour would overpower everything.

To make this print i think it required a lot of skill to make since he was using a analog camera he would have to take on set of his prints first so this could be figures or still life then he would have to rewind the film inside the camera and begin taking more pictures on either still life or figures depending which one he took first. The process also doesn't always work out because the print you take on top could not work well with the one that's on bottom and its also hard to tell if your printing on the image or directly after it.

This is another image manipulated by Florian. I really like how hes combined rocks with his hand, This picture looks like its also been combined with the dodging and burning technique in the darkroom because the hand appears really dark whilst the background is very light but you can still makeup the rocks in both the foreground and background.

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