Tuesday 6 November 2012


My Evaluation

The theme for this project was called contextual studies its aim was to give us an insight into photography and help us get used to experimenting with SLR cameras. To come up with ideas for this piece I produced a mind map, which helped me evaluate my ideas and choose which one is most interesting.

For my final prints I created a series of signs photographed and then added a figure in front of the signs and processed them again and then I did a A3 print with just this idea on and mounted them all together. Overall I'm pleased with the way my prints have turned out they have a slight urban look to them.
It was quite time lengthy to make my prints, I had to get the exposure time for the A3 print just right (as I had to nearly triple the time of what it would be normally) also because I was placing two negatives in the same negative carrier the light dimmed a lot and it was difficult to see where to put the photographic paper as well as that I was using tracing paper it was a bit too experimental with all the materials I was using.

Although the technique was complicated, I enjoyed experimenting with all the different materials I used and seeing which worked well and which didn't.
My final prints are road signs and a figure of a girl in front of some of them, they link into the theme of everyday because road signs are things that we see everyday and perhaps we don't always acknowledge them but they are always there. My initial ideas were to have 3 projects one road signs one figurative photographs and one footwear but because of time and experience with the camera, I decided to narrow it down to one also the 3 ideas didn't really support each other as well ass the 2 did.

If I could go back I would organize my time more efficiently and maybe do the three ideas and link them all together by doing a mounted sheet and placing all these images on there.

For some inspirational research I looked at two photographers one named Sharon Elphick who created college like photographs of signs and the other being Richard Renault, the artist who inspired me the most was Sharon Elphick because her everyday signs all jazzed up and bright in colour made me do the opposite and maybe convey how we would see the signs- because they are black and white we wouldn't acknowledge them that's what the figure in the image relates to as well because she is kind of blacked out you wouldn't really acknowledge her.

Overall enjoyed the project and in the future I would like to see what other techniques are possible to do with a SLR camera.

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