Thursday 8 November 2012

Linking to the work of others

Picasso - Light painting 'centaur'

Picasso was a Spanish man born in 1881-1973, In this picture he sort of resembles a cave man because of the surrounding and the way he is standing implies this. This could also be implied from that he has drawn a bull like character i would say to do this he put his SLR camera on a very very slow shutter speed and with a laser pen or a led light he drew this character using the continuous line technique as well the room would also have to have been quite dark linking into this cave idea.

David Baliey - The Rolling Stones

David Bailey was a Englishman born in 1938, He is described to mostly take pictures of celebrities bench why this is a picture of 'the rolling stones'. This picture was taken in a studio and he has particularly shone a light on their faces as this is the lightest medium he has also put a lot of focus on the faces of the singers this is a good effect.

Andre Kertesz - The Fork 1928

Andre Kertesz was a Hungarian artist born in the years 1894-1985, This picture of a fork says so much more than its appearance a fork is a everyday item something we use everyday. The tone as well are excellent in this picture there is also a strong contrast between the light and darker tones.

Edgar Martins - from the 'Diminishing Present' project (2003/2005)

Edgar Martins is a Portuguese photographer but he works in Britain he was born in 1977, This is a quite natural photograph as all the light present is in fact natural light and also light from the street light this gives the photo a more realistic look to it.

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