Thursday 22 November 2012

Patrick Rochon Analysis

Patrick began light painting in 1992 he then joined up with friends to form a multimedia group and built costumes of light and went on to perform in on a big screen. Patrick uses a digital camera and normally does these in dark rooms.

Link to the Picture

Patrick uses light painting to his advantage and in my option every photograph of his tells the audience a little story.
The model in this print has a slightly evil smirk on her face almost like she's planning something.In her hands she hold a while musky item it could be foam of some sort or maybe as it resembles it could be a dove.
For this image i would say he has used a blue light and shone it on the upper angle of the model making the audience focus on her face.

He uses a range of light sources to produce this effect with his models, This particular photograph was taken using 24 cameras on a 360 ring in a completely dark room.The detail he has paid attention to in this print is amazing. the contrasting blues and purples work really well together its almost like a bucket of lilac paint has been chucked all over these models.The peaceful look in the main models face conveys feelings of relaxation or peacefulness which again links into the colours used as the colour blue connotates calmness and as a cold colour it could also connotate lack of warmth.The arm reaching out of her could suggest movement in the picture as well it could signify the place in which her arm was at first.

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