Thursday 7 February 2013

Candid Photography (Digital)

Candid photography referes to taking a picture of your chosen subject without there knowledge, this is most commonly done. It links into the theme because to take a picture of someone without them knowing you would probably have to hide the device you are taking there picture with. Which links well with covert.

This is a photography taken by the artist Jason Martini its a candid shot and i think it was taken with a film SLR. From the position of where the photograph is taken it looks as though he took this whilst crossing the road and to capture a portrait picture as still as this his camera must have been on a fast shutter speed setting.The setting of this picture looks like it was set in america because of the iconic skyscrapers and streetlights. The black and white colo makes this photograph look as thought it was set in the past with the little snippet of the car on the right side this adds to my theory.

To take this picture i sat down and pretended to eat my lunch whilst being on my phone and i quickly took this. The blurring on this woman shows how fast she was walking its a good effect to convey movement. 

Taking Candid photography is quite fun and tricky but it could also be risky if i did it in a urban area some people might catch me taking a picture and be slightly alarmed and maybe aggressive but overall i ha no problems in doing it and i enjoyed it.

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