Thursday 7 February 2013


Another idea for the theme could be shadows,Shadows obscure the identity of a person as much as masks and costumes do. But not only the identity of the person is obscured also the complicated shapes and details of that person.

This photograph is a print made by Lukas Vasilikos the piece is called 'Shadows'.
I really like the way he has composed this piece with a load of people walking down a street and there shadows being shown.The way he has shown the actual person and the shadow could contradict my theory on how shadows obscure a persons identity, but the people shown are blacked out this could also create a good theme responding to the exam theme. I don't think this piece was unedited i think most of the shadows in fact most are edited in using photoshop, this is done well but it then lacks realism which is what i really want to convey.

This is my attempt of trying to do the shadow technique. I found this really difficult to achieve because you can't use a flash camera because of course the image won't show and you can't use a particular normal camera because it will come out too dark. So to achieve this outcome i had to set up a desk lamp on a table opposite a wall, it was then really easy to capture. I took this photograph from profile because  i wanted to get some detail in the piece detail meaning some eyelashes and lips and facial features i wouldn't have achieved if the picture was just from the front.

This is another picture i took, The big ben is completely blacked out. This was actually taken with flash on i think this is why the building is so dark. I like the detail in this print as being the opposite to my first print the fact that it was taken in daylight makes it more effective. The strongest bit in this photograph i think is the clouds they really work with the context of the photograph.

Overall i found that to capture shadows is going to be very difficult especially if i was doing it with a SLR film camera and taking Candid shots, its much easier just to take the pictures and then edit the shadows into it. 

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