Thursday 14 February 2013

My Ideas for the theme

For my theme I've come up with 4 different but closely related ideas

my first inner theme will be Contemporary Hidden identities this will include me hiding the identities of my subjects with maybe newspapers over there faces or distorting them somehow using inspiration from Frederique Daubal who cut out magazines and placed them over his subjects.

My second idea for my film will be a Costumes satirical hidden identity theme where ill be quite exaggerated and put makeup on my subjects maybe go for the superheros theme, inspiration will be from Cindy Sherman she poses in a range of self portrait pictures dressed up as different people.

My third idea is to use my spy pen and take quite sneaking voyeuristic pictures of people or if not successful i will still take pictures of people with my SLR camera maybe on a busy street in London.

My fourth and final idea is to do some mixed media pieces in the style of Matt Wisniewski such as below. I think these pieces will look really good with the contrast of black and white to colour opt if i decide to take them digitally it could work quite well aswell.

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