Thursday 23 January 2014

Depression Photoshoot

This  Is my first photo-shoot with my now chosen theme 'Depression', below I've tried to improve these images in a variety of ways to make them relate to this theme.

For this image I wanted the main focal point to be the eyes as I made him look emotionless for this picture. To improve this image I changed the colour to black and white and added a grainy texture to one of the layers to give the image a sharp detailed look.

For this image I wanted to add a dark a gloomy look to my models face and also make him look slightly ashamed of himself. To improve this I first transformed the colour to black and white and them decreased the brightness of the image and increased the contrast all completed using Photoshop.

In this image I wanted to convey it as thought my model was pondering about something and to improve this image I again switched the colour to black and white and increased the contrast.


For this picture I again wanted to add a sad depressed sort of look so I photographed my model alone in a field with his hood up and hands in his pockets to convey the feeling of alienation and isolation.
To improve this image I increased the contrast and also increased the red and blue tones.

For this image I wanted to get him sitting by the window as if he is waiting for someone to come home in fear of others, he sits by the window to prepare himself for this human encounter.
To improve this image I dodged and burned him to make him very silhouette like and dodged and intensified the bright light shining in so it reflects a car approaching the house.

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