Saturday 25 January 2014

Inside My Gif's

These are the layers of my GIF's, Each Gif is very different in terms of the layers, However I've made them all quite fast and flashing as this is the variable I wanted all my GIF's to have in common.
For this GIF I wanted attention to be payed to the nails with the words displayed upon them, So I made the hands quite bright whist leaving the hair quite dark.

For this GIF I've added a quite orangey layer and a layer with no background this is to make the background be the focal point to the image. As I wanted this to suggest she is alone in her thoughts and by displaying the outside world this conveys this.

For this GIF, I've added really dark layers as well as really light layers to get the effect of the darkness caving in on her.

For this GIF I've changed the colour of my letter 'M' as I mentioned before I want the 'M' to represent her as how she feels, different isolated from the other letters/people.
Ive increased the brightness on some of these GIF'S to make the lettering on her arm stand out really well when the loop comes to it.

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