Thursday 23 January 2014

Final Photoshoot: Depression

This is my Final piece 'Depression' themed photo-shoot
This is a Print from my photo shoot, I placed the teddy bear with her to demonstrate isolation from real people and the dependency on her teddy bear. For this image I've Manipulated it on Photoshop by changing the contrast to very dark black and decreasing the brightness.

.For this Image Ive gone for a crying look, however instead of crying for all to see ive shown her crying with her hands covering her face to portray that she doesnt want attention she doesnt want other people to know she cant cope.Reading on the NHS website this is very common for people who suffer with depression they dont want to admit they need help. To improve this image I changed I it to black and white an adjusted the contrast really high to show the sparkly nail varnish and the detail on the fingers.

For this image I wanted to again demonstrate the isolation an sadness she feels by making her staring at the wall blankly, also I wanted to
make it as if she sees something on the wall as if she is hallucinating. To improve this image I adjusted the exposure an transformed it to black and white, I wanted the edit to demonstrate the darkness craving in on her

For this image I wanted to capture my model staring at herself in the mirror with no reflection because people that are depressed have a complete change in personality they aren't the person with the same characteristics as they used to be and this is what I wanted to convey in this piece that my model has changed so much during this illness that she doesn't even recognize herself. To improve this image I changed the colour to black and white and increased the brightness to give it this airy blurred look.

For this image I wanted my model to hug her legs to convey she feels as if she has no one else but herself and she's hugging herself for comfort.
To improve this image I zoomed out a lot to first establish where my model is sitting as this adds more character to the photograph instead of a posed model in a set up location. I also adjusted the colour to black and white and dodged the outside to make it as if the sun is really shining but her mood contrasts this.

For this picture I wanted my model to be in a dreamlike state, staring out the window and hugging her knees and in the same way I've deliberately positioned her next to a closed fence to illustrate that she feels as if there is no way out. To improve this picture I used the dodge tool to really lighten her skin and the burn tool to really darken her hair and dress as well as changing the whole image to black and white. 

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