Wednesday 17 April 2013

In Depth Review Of Ideas

To come up with my final idea i first developed a range of ideas evidently on my blog my first idea was 'Costume make up' for this i would look at how some people hide behind the makeup they put on their skin and how this obscures their natural beauty. My second idea was costumes and how a costume like for example a spiderman costume can let your alter ego out and obscure your personality.Another one of my ideas were shadows and how these are covert and secret looking for example in a lot of crime-fiction programmes the suspect is represented by a shadow to conceal their true identity.Then my main potential idea was 'Hidden identity' i wanted to explore this in a wide range by for example making my models wear items on theirs heads such as bags or hoodies that cover their face to obscure their identity , i wanted to do a bit of distortion as well and make my models faces appear weird and abnormal.I was also planning on using the doge and burn technique in the darkroom to make my models appear darker and hard to make out in the photograph. However after looking deeper into this idea i discovered that i had gone for the easy interruption of the theme 'Covert and Obscured' therefore i began to think about a new idea.

For my final piece I'm going to do a piece on Domestic Abuse. I've chosen this idea because a person that is being abused isn't always obvious to notice, in fact most people who are being abused hide it behind fake smiles. I want to do a bit of narrative photography into the life of someone who's being abused and show how they obscure all of this behind there fake smile and the consequence's of them saying silent about this issue or maybe change this into a awareness campaign and create a poster for my final piece.
Im going to use the double negative technique for this idea, i will take two photographs one of my model with a fake smile on and one of them with a abused face and ill merge these together to see the contrast between them. I enjoyed this technique because you can add it to other techniques as well such as the handmade negative technique which i also enjoys and together it gives a photograph a complicated but interesting look.

For example this print was made by combining the double exposure technique with the handmade negative technique.If i was to spot this to my now theme i think it would look really good depending on which photograph i choose.

To support my piece i will research into trusted campaigns such as the NSPCC and Woman's AID as well as the NHS to draw inspiration from and also to draw facts and figures for this piece.

One strong Artist that i will look at for this will be Sally Mann most of her photography is a up close and personal in site into her family or families lives. This image below demonstrates my idea very well.

This image looks like this child has been being abused and i will sort of go for the opposite with this piece as I'm kind of doing this like a awareness campaign whereby I'm trying to convey to the audience or viewers of my work that you can't normally just look at someone and know all the ups and downs of there lives, Frankly you just don't know what happens behind closed doors of that persons live. 
The fact that the final outcome will be in black and white i think is very effective and if i get the lighting right for my scenes ill have some really good shots.
These images were photography's by Rankin, This was a campaign to ask everyone to act until women and children are safe’– that is - aadmit domestic abuse is a problem, call it by its name and talk to someone about it .The campaign uses head and shoulder portraits of famous female faces, made up to show the physical effects of domestic violence.  
The bruises on these women are fake but the picture leaves a strong message to its intended audience.


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