Saturday 6 April 2013

Darkroom Experiments

These are dome of the Darkroom experiments i carried out.

This is a handmade negative, i made this by cutting a small piece of acetate the size of a negative so it could fit inside the carrier.I then placed some Vaseline and table salt on top of the plastic layer and exposed it for approximately 6 seconds.
This is a handmade negative combined with two of my own negatives. I did the exact same thing with my handmade negative but before placing it inside the negative carrier i placed my two negatives down firs, this way the Vaseline and salt wouldn't spoil my own negatives.I like this photograph because its quite illusive in the sense that you cant tell which image is the original.

This print was made with a handmade and my own negative combined,To do this i placed the acetate on top of my negative and carefully stylised where i wanted the salt and Vaseline to be placed.I chose to obscure the face in this piece because i was working on the theme of 'Hidden identity' and i thought by covering the face this idea works quite well.

This is a photography from my first film. It features my model covered in a white sheet with a wig and necklace placed on top for added character. Again i chose to place the Vaseline and salt around the figure to give it a ghostly sense since my chosen theme at the time was 'Hidden identity'.

This photograph is from the photography trip, to do this effect i cut out a x shape from a piece of black card and kept the cut out pieces.I then placed the black card over my photographic paper with the cut out x in my desired place and exposed my picture for 6seconds.I then placed the cut out x in the same place and removed the black card (being very careful not to move the paper) i then exposed it for another 6seconds and i was given this outcome.

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