Monday 29 April 2013

Evaluation of Prep Work

My ideas have changed allot over the course of the project from wanting to do something simple as hidden identity and candid photography ive developed my ideas to exploring the hardship and sensitivity of my final outcome theme Domestic Violence.My Final outcome reflects the exam theme 'Covert and Obscured' Because of this whole idea of living a personal and exclusive life no one truly knows or understand what goes on behind closed doors we close our doors to Obscure the world from our personal and individuality lives.
The photographer that inspired my work in the end has to be a cross between Rankin and Sally Mann because abit of my final piece is all about looking into the life of this young girl who is being abused and exploiting personal lives is more  Sally mann's style. Other parts of my final piece where i have sown into my pictures have been inspired by the Rankin destroy project but instead of destroying the picture to convey her personality i'm destroying the picture to convey her struggle hurt and finally desperation.
The different experiments we did throughout the year got me comfortable with the experiments and allowed me to make a few experimentation of my own.I did many darkroom technique such as inserting a shape to the image, Overexposing and underexposing to get the print a certain vintage look,handmade negatives.I also did quite a few experimentation's outside of the darkroom such as tamper-age with the print like cutting, weaving, sowing,and collaging. 
Overall i found the project fun a well as interesting the exam theme was slightly difficult to come up with a range of different ideas at first because of the formally of the words but then after breaking down the meaning and looking through a thesauri ideas began to come to me.Honesty i think i will be very pleased about my final outcome because i know that alot of practice and hardworking went into creating it to the quality that it is.

My ideas have been strongly influenced by Matt Winiewski and Sally Mann. Matt because of his ability to obscure portraiture with nature such as trees and the sea and Sally Mann because of the way she almost intrudes into her families personal life and capture images that would of otherwise been unknown to the human eye.
The trip to the exhibitions inspired my work in a sense they reminded me that in order to get a good photograph you've got to enjoy taking it or find a interesting subject matter and capture it in your best interests.For example In the Juergen teller exhibition he had pictures of his children these weren't posed shots he didn't pend money and time into getting the child in the right position no, these are candid pure shots of life as they happen.

The handmade negatives experimentation was my favorite experimentation because i love the effect a bit of Vaseline and salt can do to a picture it completely transformed it as well as obscures its natural form.The experiment that influenced my final piece most was the out of the darkroom techniques such as the owing and weaving of the prints.

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